Your Seven Day Forecast

CAUTION URGED on WATER Amid Hazardous Boating Conditions

RICHMOND, VA - The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) is reminding anyone spending time on or near Virginia's rivers to exercise extreme caution. Recent heavy rains, cooler temperatures, and more precipitation in the forecast make for hazardous boating conditions.  Some rivers across the state are currently very high and in flood stage.

"Winter isn't thought of as the height of boating season, but whitewater kayakers, waterfowl hunters, and others may be out on the water at this time of year" said Stacey Brown, DWR's Boating Division Director. "Recent rains coupled with the wet December Virginia had means flows are high across the state. We recommend people steer clear of flooded areas. Murky water, floating debris, and submerged hazards all pose a risk to boaters."

Regardless of the time of year you go boating, always let someone know where you are going and when you expect to return.  Additionally, have a plan to reboard your boat in case the unexpected happens and you end up in the water.   Always wear your life jacket, and during the colder months of the year, consider bringing a dry bag with you and a change of clothes in case you get wet. Weather conditions and a marine forecast can be found on the National Weather Service website.  The United States Geological Survey has water temperatures for some inland lakes and rivers.

Please visit the DWR website for more information on Boating Safety and Education in Virginia.