Your Seven Day Forecast


A check presentation was held on the Christanna Campus in Alberta as Dr. Quentin R. Johnson, SVCC President and Dr. Daryl Minus, Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Success accepted the donation from Rob Propes, Urban Grid Development Manager and Dave Whittington, Urban Grid Consultant.  

Urban Grid recognized Southside Virginia Community College with a $9,000 grant to fund its Career Coaching Program and a scholarship for the entry-level solar worker training program.

The grants are part of "Urban Grid Gives", an ongoing commitment to communities where Urban Grid solar projects are being proposed, developed and constructed. 

“Southside Virginia Community College is committed to building dreams, transforming lives, sustaining communities, and providing instruction for anyone who wants the opportunity to build upon their educational foundation,'' said Dr. Quentin R. Johnson, SVCC President. “By funding programs key to job creation in the clean energy economy, Urban Grid is helping to ensure the relevance of the southside workforce with real-world skills.”

“We believe that all solar development is local and have designed our Urban Grid Gives initiative to partner with organizations making a lasting impact in the communities they serve. Like Southside Virginia Community College, our solar energy projects will bring a lifetime of benefit to the community with the generation of clean, affordable energy,” said Rob Propes, Urban Grid Development Manager.  “Contributing to the economic development of rural counties in Virginia is central to our belief that the transition to clean energy can benefit everyone in the community, beyond those directly involved in our projects, and long after our projects are established.”

Program in Fifth Anniversary Year Helps Develop Virginia’s Future Leaders

RICHMOND, VA — Governor Glenn Youngkin today announced the 2022-24 cohort of the Virginia Management Fellows (VMF) program. A collaboration between the Virginia Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM) and Virginia Tech, the program addresses the Commonwealth’s need for talented, trained, and prepared government leaders.  

“We welcome the 10 members of the Virginia Management Fellows fifth cohort,” said Governor Glenn Youngkin. “These Fellows come from across the Commonwealth bringing strong educational background and readiness for rigorous technical training and leadership development programs. The distinctive VMF program allows Virginia to bolster our state workforce helping to develop future leaders of the Commonwealth.”

The General Assembly first approved the program in 2017.

“This cohort marks the fifth anniversary of the VMF program, an important milestone for the state. We are demonstrating our commitment to Virginia’s future leaders,” said Secretary of Administration Lyn McDermid.

The Office of the Secretary of Administration oversees the program with program management provided by DHRM and curriculum management by the Virginia Tech School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA). The 10 Fellows are guided by 10 state agency mentors who guide projects as well as offer hands-on agency work and research efforts.

“Our success is evident through the growing interest of state agencies in the Fellows program and in the successful transition of Fellows into roles in state agencies,” said DHRM Director Janet Lawson.

During the two-year leadership and management development certificate program, Virginia Management Fellows learn and practice technical and generalist skills that are important to state agencies.

“As a former Fellow in the inaugural cohort, I know first-hand the depth, knowledge, and experience the VMF program provides to the state and its Fellows. The opportunity to work and learn from some of the Commonwealth’s best and brightest employees is truly like no other,” said Legislative Liaison for the Governor Travis Rickman.

Three 8-month agency rotations give Fellows day-to-day work experience, and they also learn financial management, public budgeting, and other key competencies needed in state government.

Virginia Tech SPIA faculty designed the original program and continually improve learning elements to meet Virginia’s need for high-performance public service. “From data analytics and financial management to leadership habits of practice, Fellows learn critical skills needed now and for the future,” said Leisha LaRiviere, VMF Program Director and Associate Director of Virginia Tech’s School of Public and International Affairs.

The 2022 –2024 Virginia Management Fellows are:

  • Negus Assefa, George Washington University and Old Dominion University
  • Anna Isler, The College of William and Mary
  • Edward Cronin, James Madison University
  • Karli Foster, James Madison University and Virginia Tech
  • Peter Gregory, Virginia Tech, Brigham Young University and Brigham Young University - Hawaii
  • Cole McAndrew, The College of William and Mary
  • Anya Pfeiffer, The University of Virginia
  • Sean Sukol, Virginia Commonwealth University and The College of William and Mary
  • Liam Orr, Christopher Newport University
  • Evan Price, George Mason University