Your Seven Day Forecast


RICHMOND – Even though it feels like spring sprung a couple of weeks ago, St. Patrick's Day is often looked at as the unofficial start of spring and a time to celebrate with friends at pubs, parties and festivals. Unfortunately, these celebrations have resulted in St. Patrick's Day becoming one of the year's most dangerous times to be on the road. During the week of St. Patrick's Day in 2022, five traffic fatalities and 72 individuals were injured in alcohol-related crashes on Virginia roadways.*

"With St. Patrick's Day falling on a Friday this year, there will be even more opportunities for Virginians to celebrate the beginning of the warmer seasons," said Colonel Gary T. Settle, Virginia State Police Superintendent. "Don't let your first celebration of the season be your last. St. Patrick's Day can be a fun time to have a pint with a pal but, remember, getting behind the wheel when intoxicated is no way to celebrate. Driving drunk is a choice - a choice with deadly consequences for you, your passengers and every other motorist sharing the road with you. Never drive drunk or under the influence of drugs."

Safety isn't about luck. If you're going to party, party with a plan:

  • Ensure you have a designated sober driver, a plan to use public transportation or a ride share service BEFORE any drinking begins.
  • Buzzed driving is drunk driving. Be honest with yourself and know that even if you only plan on having one drink, you should plan on having a designated driver.
  • Walking while intoxicated can also be deadly. Being under the influence can cause a lack of attention to surroundings and put pedestrians at risk of being hit by a vehicle.
  • If you see a drunk driver on the road, pull over safely and dial #77 on a cell phone or call 911.
  • If you know someone who has been drinking and is about to drive, take the keys and make arrangements to get them home safely.
  • If you are driving, keep an eye out for pedestrians and other vulnerable road users on the roadways.

To further prevent traffic deaths and injuries during St. Patrick's Day, as well as during the traditional Spring Break season, the Virginia State Police will be participating in Operation C.A.R.E., the Crash Awareness and Reduction Effort. The state-sponsored, national program incorporates a nine-day statistical counting period that begins at 12:01 a.m., March 11, 2023, and concludes at midnight on March 19, 2023.

All Virginians are reminded to keep safety first anytime you are behind the wheel. Always buckle up, avoid distractions, put your phone down, share the road and drive drug and alcohol free.

McClellan Will Use Positions to Deliver Results for Virginia 

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan (VA-04) announced she was named to the House Armed Services Committee and the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee for the 118th Congress. 

The House Armed Services Committee has jurisdiction over the United States' defense policy, ongoing military operations, the organization and reform of the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy, counter-drug programs, acquisition and industrial base policy, technology transfer and export controls, nonproliferation programs, and more.

"I am thrilled to be named to the House Armed Services Committee," said Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan. "This is a critical committee assignment given the Commonwealth's large active-duty and veteran populations and the prevalence of strategic military installations in Virginia's Fourth and across the Commonwealth. I look forward to advocating for our servicemembers and their families, maintaining America's national security, and ensuring our Commonwealth has the funding it needs to continue its role in supporting our national defense strategy."

"I am proud to welcome Representative Jennifer McClellan to the House Armed Services Committee. Virginia plays a critical role in our country's National Defense Strategy thanks to the high number of active duty servicemembers and military installations, as well as numerous military veterans that call the state home. McClellan's insight as an experienced legislator who served 18 sessions in the Virginia General Assembly and as the first Black woman to represent Virginia in Congress will provide a valuable addition to the Armed Services Committee," said Representative Adam Smith (D-Wash.), Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee.

The House Science, Space, and Technology Committee has jurisdiction over all energy research and development, all federally owned or operated non-military energy laboratories, astronautical research and development, civil aviation research and development, environmental research and development, marine research, commercial application of energy technology, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Weather Service (NWS), and more.

"The House Science, Space, and Technology Committee plays an integral role in driving research and innovation to maintain America's competitiveness on the international stage," said Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan. "I am excited to get to work on this committee to help expand opportunities in STEM for our next generation, including supporting university-research partnerships, increasing diversity, and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration." 

"I'm excited to welcome Congresswoman McClellan to the Science Committee. As the first Black woman to represent Virginia, Representative McClellan is a history-making new Member of Congress. The Science Committee is the Committee of the future. I know Representative McClellan is dedicated to building a brighter future for all and I look forward to working with her to find solutions to our most pressing challenges with science at the forefront," said Ranking Member Zoe Lofgren (D-CA). 

Hundreds of Small Firms in Economically Disadvantaged Areas May Now Qualify for HUBZone Certification

WASHINGTON- Today, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) announced the launch of a new Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) preview map, which shows that hundreds of firms in newly released designated underserved areas will become eligible to apply for HUBZone certification, enabling them to compete for billions of dollars in federal contracts set aside for HUBZone-certified firms, to create jobs, and to improve the economy in their communities.

"By channeling a record $14 billion in federal purchases to HUBZone-certified small firms last year, the Biden-Harris Administration gave a critical financial boost to hundreds of entrepreneurs in economically disadvantaged rural and urban areas,” said Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman. “The HUBZone Program is an essential component of President Biden’s commitment to expanding federal contracting opportunities for small businesses across the country.”  

The HUBZone preview map shows changes that are scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2023, reflecting updates from the 2020 U.S. Census. HUBZones are designated based on economic and population data from the Census Bureau and other federal agencies, using a formula established by Congress. The map update highlights growth opportunities for small businesses in more than 20,000 HUBZone areas across the United States and Territories, including 3,732 newly qualified communities.

“For small businesses in new HUBZone areas, SBA’s certification provides a gateway to billions of dollars in federal contracting opportunities, contributing to the economic growth and strengthening of underserved communities while also ensuring that employment opportunities benefit the people living in communities that most need positive economic impact,” said Lori Gillen, Director of the Office of the HUBZone Program.  

At the same time, according to the new map, many currently HUBZone-designated areas will no longer qualify for participation in the program because they have outgrown their disadvantaged status thanks to increased employment, increased average incomes, or other signs of positive economic development. To provide a sufficient off-ramp for communities losing this designation, the expiration of their HUBZone status is being extended until

July 1, 2026, providing firms and communities additional time to transition.

In addition, HUBZone-certified firms with principal offices in areas that have been in “Redesignated” status since 2018, and whose communities have had time to transition out of the program will officially lose their HUBZone eligibility after July 1, 2023, unless they relocate their principal offices to qualifying areas.

Before the upcoming changes, HUBZone-certified firms should verify that they will meet the 35 percent HUBZone employee residency and principal office requirements on their annual recertification anniversary date following July 1, 2023. Firms eligible at the time of offer for a HUBZone contract are generally considered to be HUBZone firms through the life of that contract, meaning current HUBZone contracts will not be disrupted by the map update.

For a map of current HUBZones, visit

The preview of the new HUBZone map, which will go into effect on July 1, is available at

The SBA encourages small businesses to learn more about the HUBZone Program at the SBA website: