Your Seven Day Forecast


By Quentin R. Johnson, Ph.D.

A traditional education path begins with preschool learning and advances until high school graduation unlocks the door to expanded opportunities. This customary route does not fit every need, however. Life situations can sometimes cause students to abandon the system. Afterward, unfulfilled learners often discover a renewed desire to pursue basic skills, high school equivalency credentials, and training for employment. Adult education programs fill this gap.

Southside Virginia Community College has been involved in adult education since the late 1980s. We serve students at all literacy levels who are 18 years of age and older and live in the counties of Amelia, Brunswick, Buckingham, Charlotte, Cumberland, Halifax, Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, Nottoway, and Prince Edward. We offer adult basic education, adult secondary education, computer literacy, financial literacy, and various integrated education and training programs through partnerships with SVCC's Workforce Development Department.

Jennifer Bass, a former student in SVCC's GED® credential program, is one example of someone who took an alternate path to academic success. During the traditional years for schooling, she did not complete high school. She reports her pragmatic reasoning, "I was, at the time, not doing very well in school, and I made the decision to quit and get a job."

Initially, Ms. Bass achieved her immediate goals. "During the time after high school, I worked at an auto parts store, and I was the floor manager."

After she married and had two children, life became more complicated. Ultimately, Ms. Bass decided that resuming her education would help her achieve her goals. "I questioned myself and had a fear of not being able to learn the material, especially math," she recalls. She faced those concerns and enrolled in SVCC's adult education program.

The work was challenging but rewarding. "I absolutely loved going to class for my GED® credential. The support that I received from my teachers and everyone involved was phenomenal. I could not have asked for any better support throughout this process."

Ms. Bass reports, "It took me about a year to get my GED® certificate," which she received in 2019. "Receiving my GED® certificate has opened a new avenue in my life. Getting my GED®
certificate has been the best thing I could have done for myself."

She didn't stop with that achievement. Ms. Bass went on to earn an Associate Degree in Human Services from SVCC and is currently nearing completion of the requirements for a Bachelor of Science Degree from Liberty University. She also enjoys encouraging others and works with SVCC's adult education program as an instructional assistant.

Ms. Bass would like to tell today's teenagers who may be thinking of leaving high school before finishing, "Stay in school and get your diploma. The GED® program is not easy, and it takes dedication."

For adults who lack high school credentials, she offers encouragement. "Whatever you do, go back to school and get your GED® certificate. Stay focused and dedicated to achieving your goals."

SVCC has helped thousands of students like Ms. Bass earn GED® credentials. Classes, books, and online programs are free. With grant funding, we are able to offer GED® Ready (Practice) tests, and for students who achieve a score of 150 or better, we cover costs so they can take the official credentialing test for free.

For more information about the GED® program contact Buffy Allgood (434-949-1090; or Lois Hicks (434-736-2048;

Dr. Quentin R. Johnson is president of Southside Virginia Community College, an institution of higher learning that provides a wide variety of education opportunities to a diverse student population within a service area that spans ten counties and the City of Emporia. He can be reached via email at


By: Martin Short, Lead Economic Development Specialist & Public Information Officer

In communities across our nation, small Mom and Pop businesses are the bedrock for economic activity, local revenue, and jobs. In many cases these businesses are at the center of our lives economically and socially. I grew up in a rural community where my parents knew the owners of several Mom and Pop businesses. Those relationships were personal and of great value. 

Typically, Mom and Pop businesses are family owned and operate in a variety of industries such as automotive shops, drugstores, hardware stores, etc. These small businesses sometimes must compete with medium and large businesses like big box stores. These small businesses do not have a lot of advantages when competing against larger operations. However, one of the advantages they share is the opportunity to forge personal relationships and build value. These relationships are invaluable because more of the income from these small operations stays in the community and owners are more likely to support the community – sponsoring little league teams for example. Another advantage is the support of the U.S. Small Business Administration, which provides access to capital, access to new markets, and training for entrepreneurs from all walks of life.

There are 3 things you can do to support your locally owned Mom and Pop small businesses:

  1. Shop at Mom-and-Pop businesses all year round.
  2. Give your local Mom & Pop a shout out on "National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day."
  3. Encourage your friends and family to "shop small" on "Small Business Saturday and year-round."

Small businesses are essential to the creation of jobs and opportunities. Remember, small businesses do a lot for the consumer by offering unique products and supporting the local economy. When this happens, we all win. Learn more about small businesses' impact on our economy and how to start and grow yours at Small Business Administration ( Let's keep supporting Mom and Pop!