Your Seven Day Forecast

Mackenzie Meleski

Calls for pet cannabis exposure increase in Virginia, nationwide

By Mackenzie Meleski, Capital News Service

RICHMOND, Va. ‒ The Pet Poison Helpline reported an increase nationwide and in Virginia of calls concerning cannabis poisoning in household pets.

"We've had a really significant increase on the number of calls that we've had of exposures over the last two or three years, especially," said Dr. Rennee Schmid. 

Schmid is a senior veterinary toxicologist and manager of veterinary medicine and professional services for the national Pet Poison Helpline. The 24-hour helpline is available for pet owners and veterinarians, and charges an $85 help fee. The helpline and Virginia Poison Center share some pet case statistics, according to Schmid.

Cannabis is ranked as the No. 9 toxin for pets nationwide, according to the Pet Poison Helpline website. The Pet Poison Helpline experienced a 735% increase in nationwide THC-related calls from 2018 to 2022, Schmid stated in a follow-up email. THC is the compound in cannabis which creates a "high" for the user.

Cannabis ranks as the No. 8 toxin for dogs in Virginia, according to helpline data. Chocolate is the No. 1 and No. 2 toxin for dogs and cats, respectively, according to helpline data.

The Virginia Poison Center reported an overall 286% increase in cases of pet exposure to cannabis from 2018 to 2022, according to Schmid. There was a 90.5% increase from calls made in 2021 to 2022. The helpline does not disclose raw case numbers, just percentages, because they are a privately owned company, Schmid said. 

The difference between the overall national increase and Virginia increase is because cannabis is also sold recreationally in other states, according to Schmid. The maximum THC amount allowed by many states is higher than Virginia's alloted 10 milligrams per dose in its medical marijuana program. 

"Some states just skyrocketed with the number of call differences that they have," Schmid said.

Cannabis intoxication in pets presents in a variety of ways, Schmid said. Pets can become lethargic, develop symptoms of hypothermia, low blood pressure or have a significantly low heart rate, according to Schmid. However, in some cases pets can become agitated rather than lethargic, Schmid said.

Most animals do not die from cannabis intoxication, but are more sensitive to THC than humans, according to Schmid. A lethal dose for pets is generally considered to be "a little over 6 grams per pound," Schmid said.

"That's a pretty high amount that they would have to be exposed to," Schmid said. "They'd have to get into a really large amount of marijuana itself or a large number of edibles."

However, "a really small amount can be quite problematic" for pets, according to Schmid. 

Veterinarians treat pets for cannabis exposure by giving the animals intravenous fluids and monitoring their heart rate and blood pressure for several hours, Schmid said. 

Pet owners need to keep cannabis products out of reach of their pets and smoke in areas where pets are not present, according to Schmid.

"They'll smell it; they'll be inquisitive about it," Schmid said. "Animals, they explore with their mouths, and so it's very normal for them to put something new in their mouth, taste and see what it's like."

Dr. S. Rutherford Rose is the director of the Virginia Poison Center at VCU Health.

"In general, when it comes to making sure that their pets do not accidentally consume cannabis products it is much the same as with small children," Rose stated in an email. "Never leave edibles lying around on counter tops or tables in the home."

The Virginia General Assembly decriminalized cannabis in 2021, which allowed adults aged 21 and older to possess up to 1 ounce of marijuana and legally grow up to four plants in their home. The legislature earlier approved a medical marijuana program, but has failed to pass legislation to create a recreational market.

The medical marijuana market continues to grow in Virginia, and dispensaries sell edible products such as THC-infused fruit-flavored gummies and chocolates. The increase in calls to pet poison control centers is due to more availability of legal products and less stigma around calling for help, Schmid said.

"Instead of them being hesitant to call and seek care for their pet, they're more open to doing that," Schmid said.

Legal cannabis sellers have made their own efforts to prevent accidental poisonings of pets and children, according to Nathaniel Blakey, the head of edible production at RVA Cannabis Co.

RVA Cannabis Co., located in Chesterfield County, packages cannabis products in childproof and pet proof packaging, according to Blakey. Certain CBD products are made for pets, but pets should never be given products containing THC, Blakey said.

"CBD products like treats and tinctures are great for animals in moderation for those with stress or joint issues. But even these CBD products should be stored carefully," Blakey stated in an email. "We strongly recommended to keep bagged treats out of reach."

"People should have easy access to properly dosed edibles and be educated on what a legit product looks like," Blakey stated. "Consumers should also be educated on the fact that CBD will always be more responsible for more medicinal help and that THC is more recreational."

If pet owners think their pet has consumed cannabis products and needs medical attention, they can call a local emergency veterinary clinic or the Virginia Poison Center hotline at 800-222-1222.

By Mackenzie Meleski, Capital News Service

RICHMOND, Va. — The Virginia General Assembly did not pass legislation this session to ensure paid sick days for employees, despite strong public support. 

A 2021 study by Christopher Newport University found almost 90% of people surveyed support paid sick leave. Both House and Senate versions of the bill updated the current law that state employers only have to provide paid sick leave to certain home health workers. 

Sen. Scott Surovell, D-Fairfax, introduced Senate Bill 886, with chief co-patron Sen. Creigh Deeds, D-Bath. Del. Candi Mundon King, D-Prince William, introduced the similar House Bill 2087.

The bills also would have removed current regulations that require grocery store employees and health care providers to work at least 20 hours each week or 90 hours per month to be eligible for paid sick days. The Department of Labor and Industry would also have developed guidelines for grocery store employers to provide sick leave by Dec. 1.

The employees can accrue a minimum of one hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours worked, according to the bills. The earned paid sick leave can be carried over to the following year, but an employee cannot accrue or use more than 40 hours of paid sick leave in a year, unless the employer chooses a higher limit.

The Senate bill passed on a 22-18 party-line vote. Once the bill went to the House, it was killed in the Commerce and Energy subcommittee. The House bill failed to advance from the same committee.

Del. Elizabeth Guzman, D-Prince William, served as co-patron of Mundon King's bill. Guzman also sponsored HB 1988, to allow all employees of private employers and state and local governments to accrue paid sick leave. The bill allowed an employee to transfer accrued sick leave to the following year. An employee could also donate accrued sick leave to another employee, with certain restrictions, according to the bill. The bill died in the same House committee as the others.

Guzman has advocated for paid sick leave since 2018. The General Assembly passed an amended version of Guzman's legislation in 2021 that mandated paid sick leave for some in-home health care workers. The legislative attempts this session expanded on that work.

"The reason why we couldn't, you know, leave COVID behind us is because people need to pay their bills and they continue to go back to work being sick," Guzman said.

The bill failed to pass the House because it lacked Republican support, Guzman said.

Virginia law does not require employers to provide paid sick leave to all employees. The employer can determine how much sick leave an employee receives, according to Guzman.

The Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy advocated for Guzman's bill in 2021. The bill provided five paid sick days per year for 30,000 home health care workers in Virginia, according to the VICPP website.

VICPP conducted a study in 2015 that reported 1.2 million workers in Virginia have no paid sick leave, according to Jase Hatcher, VICPP economic justice program manager. This totals to 41% of private sector workers in Virginia, according to Hatcher. Taking just 3.5 unpaid sick days can result in an average family losing a month's worth of groceries, Hatcher said.

"That means that workers are choosing between taking care of themselves and their family member, or paying their bills," Hatcher said. "That is not how we should do that."

The VICPP study stated that 83% of registered Virginia voters supported a paid sick day standard, according to the VICPP website. Home health care providers need paid sick leave to tend to their health and also to help prevent further outbreaks of illness, VICPP stated. A 2020 study by Health Affairs found that paid sick leave reduced the spread of the coronavirus.

The VICPP believed the bill failed due to the "issues around its impact" on small businesses, Hatcher said. The Senate version of the bill added that a grocery store worker did not include any employee of a business that employs fewer than 25 employees. 

"What it comes down to is there are a lot of folks who just don't believe that there should be mandates or any mandates on paper, but as the data shows, without that mandate, 1.2 million workers go without," Hatcher said.

The VICPP will continue to advocate for a paid sick leave bill during the next session, because it is one of the most important issues for workers, according to Hatcher.

"The U.S. is one of the very, very few countries in the world which does not have a national paid sick leave policy," Hatcher said. "So making sure that we're filling the gaps at the local and state level is really essential before we can get that nationally."